Posts Tagged ‘Whole Foods’

And this is a bad thing?

August 14, 2009

Lanny Davis, inscrutable former Clinton adviser and Fox News analyst, had this to say about a recent rhubarb between the Whole Foods CEO (one of his clients) and liberals — i.e., the vast majority of Whole Foods’ customers:

Davis says the dust up over Mackey’s op-ed is “an example of how we on the left start to mirror the extreme tactics on the right.”

If memory serves, the extreme tactics on the right have been working splendidly for 20 years.  It seemed like maybe they were finally waning in the 2006 and 2008 elections, but here they are, again, out in full force on the health care debate and having as much effect as ever.

Maybe it’s time “we on the left” start to mirror them.